  1. 0
2024-01-29 15:19.04: New job: Voodoo prep duff.0.2; f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea
2024-01-29 15:19.04: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster
2024-01-29 19:03.01: Waiting for worker…
2024-01-29 19:03.19: Got resource from pool OCluster
2024-01-29 19:03.19: Using cache hint "docs-universe-prep-5.0.0"

To reproduce locally:

cat > prep.spec <<'END-OF-SPEC'
((build tools
        ((from ocaml/opam:debian-12-ocaml-5.0@sha256:4e18d45e7e34fadc756ba6b7062c64d6985bdd562c05ac86f22f246b0829a1f9)
         (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))
         (workdir /home/opam)
         (run (shell "sudo chown opam:opam /home/opam"))
         (run (network host)
              (shell "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -yy m4 pkg-config"))
         (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)) (opam-dune-cache (target /home/opam/.cache/dune)))
              (network host)
              (shell "opam pin -ny  && opam depext -iy voodoo-prep"))
         (run (shell "cp $(opam config var bin)/voodoo-prep /home/opam"))))
 (from ocaml/opam:debian-12-ocaml-5.0@sha256:4e18d45e7e34fadc756ba6b7062c64d6985bdd562c05ac86f22f246b0829a1f9)
 (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))
 (workdir /home/opam)
 (run (shell "sudo chown opam:opam /home/opam"))
 (run (shell "sudo mkdir /src"))
 (copy (src packages) (dst /src/packages))
 (copy (src repo) (dst /src/repo))
 (run (network host)
      (shell "sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/bin/opam && opam init --reinit -ni"))
 (run (shell "opam repo remove default && opam repo add opam /src"))
 (copy (from (build tools)) (src /home/opam/voodoo-prep) (dst /home/opam/))
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)) (opam-dune-cache (target /home/opam/.cache/dune)))
      (network host)
      (shell "opam install dune.3.13.0 ocamlfind.1.9.6"))
 (env DUNE_CACHE enabled)
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)) (opam-dune-cache (target /home/opam/.cache/dune)))
      (network host)
      (shell "(sudo apt update) && ((opam depext -viy duff.0.2 topkg.1.0.7 rresult.0.7.0 ocamlfind.1.9.6 ocamlbuild.0.14.3 logs.0.7.0 fpath.0.7.3 fmt.0.9.0 dune.3.13.0 cstruct.6.0.1 cmdliner.1.0.4 bos.0.2.1 bigarray-compat.1.1.0 astring.0.8.5 2>&1 | tee ~/opam.err.log) || echo 'Failed to install all packages')"))
 (run (shell "opam exec -- ~/voodoo-prep -u duff:f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea,rresult:9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,logs:998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2,fpath:a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877,fmt:7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799,cstruct:69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25,cmdliner:ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea,bos:3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5,astring:9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191"))
 (run (network host)
      (secrets (ssh_privkey (target /home/opam/.ssh/id_rsa)) (ssh_pubkey (target /home/opam/.ssh/ (ssh_config (target /home/opam/.ssh/config)))
      (shell "(echo '0.081520') && (for DATA in prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/astring/0.8.5,astring.0.8.5-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,astring.0.8.5 prep/universes/3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5/bos/0.2.1,bos.0.2.1-3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5,bos.0.2.1 prep/universes/ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea/cmdliner/1.0.4,cmdliner.1.0.4-ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea,cmdliner.1.0.4 prep/universes/69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25/cstruct/6.0.1,cstruct.6.0.1-69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25,cstruct.6.0.1 prep/universes/7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799/fmt/0.9.0,fmt.0.9.0-7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799,fmt.0.9.0 prep/universes/a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877/fpath/0.7.3,fpath.0.7.3-a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877,fpath.0.7.3 prep/universes/998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2/logs/0.7.0,logs.0.7.0-998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2,logs.0.7.0 prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/rresult/0.7.0,rresult.0.7.0-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,rresult.0.7.0 prep/universes/f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea/duff/0.2,duff.0.2-f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea,duff.0.2; do IFS=\",\"; set -- $DATA; ([ -d $1 ] || (echo \"FAILED:$2\" && mkdir -p $1 && cp ~/opam.err.log $1 && opam show $3 --raw > $1/opam)) && (shopt -s nullglob && ((tar -cvf $1.tar $1/*  && rm -R $1/* && mv $1.tar $1/content.tar) || (echo 'Empty directory'))) done) && (for DATA in prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/astring/0.8.5,astring.0.8.5-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,astring.0.8.5 prep/universes/3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5/bos/0.2.1,bos.0.2.1-3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5,bos.0.2.1 prep/universes/ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea/cmdliner/1.0.4,cmdliner.1.0.4-ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea,cmdliner.1.0.4 prep/universes/69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25/cstruct/6.0.1,cstruct.6.0.1-69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25,cstruct.6.0.1 prep/universes/7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799/fmt/0.9.0,fmt.0.9.0-7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799,fmt.0.9.0 prep/universes/a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877/fpath/0.7.3,fpath.0.7.3-a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877,fpath.0.7.3 prep/universes/998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2/logs/0.7.0,logs.0.7.0-998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2,logs.0.7.0 prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/rresult/0.7.0,rresult.0.7.0-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,rresult.0.7.0 prep/universes/f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea/duff/0.2,duff.0.2-f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea,duff.0.2; do IFS=\",\"; set -- $DATA; rsync -aR --no-p ./$1; done) && (for DATA in prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/astring/0.8.5,astring.0.8.5-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,astring.0.8.5 prep/universes/3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5/bos/0.2.1,bos.0.2.1-3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5,bos.0.2.1 prep/universes/ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea/cmdliner/1.0.4,cmdliner.1.0.4-ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea,cmdliner.1.0.4 prep/universes/69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25/cstruct/6.0.1,cstruct.6.0.1-69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25,cstruct.6.0.1 prep/universes/7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799/fmt/0.9.0,fmt.0.9.0-7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799,fmt.0.9.0 prep/universes/a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877/fpath/0.7.3,fpath.0.7.3-a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877,fpath.0.7.3 prep/universes/998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2/logs/0.7.0,logs.0.7.0-998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2,logs.0.7.0 prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/rresult/0.7.0,rresult.0.7.0-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,rresult.0.7.0 prep/universes/f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea/duff/0.2,duff.0.2-f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea,duff.0.2; do IFS=\",\"; set -- $DATA; HASH=$((sha256sum $1/content.tar | cut -d \" \" -f 1)  || echo -n 'empty'); printf \"HASHES:$2:$HASH\\n\"; done)"))

ocluster-client submit-obuilder 9fc3fa05d7b0bd182f65b5988f8caf2647c8f3fe --local-file prep.spec \
--pool linux-x86_64 --connect ocluster-submission.cap --cache-hint docs-universe-prep-5.0.0 \
--secret ssh_privkey:id_rsa --secret ssh_config:ssh_config

2024-01-29 19:03.19: RETRYING: 2024-01-29/151904-voodoo-prep-47236b Number of retries: 0 (retriable error condition)
Building on
All commits already cached
Updating files:  57% (18679/32633)
Updating files:  58% (18928/32633)
Updating files:  59% (19254/32633)
Updating files:  60% (19580/32633)
Updating files:  61% (19907/32633)
Updating files:  62% (20233/32633)
Updating files:  63% (20559/32633)
Updating files:  64% (20886/32633)
Updating files:  65% (21212/32633)
Updating files:  66% (21538/32633)
Updating files:  67% (21865/32633)
Updating files:  68% (22191/32633)
Updating files:  69% (22517/32633)
Updating files:  70% (22844/32633)
Updating files:  71% (23170/32633)
Updating files:  72% (23496/32633)
Updating files:  73% (23823/32633)
Updating files:  74% (24149/32633)
Updating files:  75% (24475/32633)
Updating files:  76% (24802/32633)
Updating files:  77% (25128/32633)
Updating files:  78% (25454/32633)
Updating files:  79% (25781/32633)
Updating files:  80% (26107/32633)
Updating files:  81% (26433/32633)
Updating files:  82% (26760/32633)
Updating files:  83% (27086/32633)
Updating files:  84% (27412/32633)
Updating files:  85% (27739/32633)
Updating files:  86% (28065/32633)
Updating files:  87% (28391/32633)
Updating files:  88% (28718/32633)
Updating files:  89% (29044/32633)
Updating files:  90% (29370/32633)
Updating files:  91% (29697/32633)
Updating files:  92% (30023/32633)
Updating files:  93% (30349/32633)
Updating files:  94% (30676/32633)
Updating files:  95% (31002/32633)
Updating files:  96% (31328/32633)
Updating files:  97% (31655/32633)
Updating files:  98% (31981/32633)
Updating files:  99% (32307/32633)
Updating files: 100% (32633/32633)
Updating files: 100% (32633/32633), done.
HEAD is now at 9fc3fa05d7 [new release] dune (15 packages) (3.13.0)

(build "tools" …)

(from ocaml/opam:debian-12-ocaml-5.0@sha256:4e18d45e7e34fadc756ba6b7062c64d6985bdd562c05ac86f22f246b0829a1f9)
2024-01-29 18:58.09 ---> using "8cd023a3ecf43f92171e533444a09f7573fba6d0b858021d48a5fba77bba6809" from cache

/: (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))

/: (workdir /home/opam)

/home/opam: (run (shell "sudo chown opam:opam /home/opam"))
2024-01-29 18:58.09 ---> using "dfc83a58793d97f458ef77bca4911887f57a6dc8f0de35f7c5741204b5e075c7" from cache

/home/opam: (run (network host)
                 (shell "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -yy m4 pkg-config"))
Hit:1 bookworm InRelease
Get:2 bookworm-updates InRelease [52.1 kB]
Get:3 bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB]
Get:4 bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages [134 kB]
Fetched 234 kB in 1s (241 kB/s)
Reading package lists...
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following additional packages will be installed:
  libpkgconf3 pkgconf pkgconf-bin
Suggested packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libpkgconf3 m4 pkg-config pkgconf pkgconf-bin
0 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 392 kB of archives.
After this operation, 969 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 bookworm/main amd64 libpkgconf3 amd64 1.8.1-1 [36.1 kB]
Get:2 bookworm/main amd64 m4 amd64 1.4.19-3 [287 kB]
Get:3 bookworm/main amd64 pkgconf-bin amd64 1.8.1-1 [29.5 kB]
Get:4 bookworm/main amd64 pkgconf amd64 1.8.1-1 [25.9 kB]
Get:5 bookworm/main amd64 pkg-config amd64 1.8.1-1 [13.7 kB]
debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
Fetched 392 kB in 0s (5680 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package libpkgconf3:amd64.
(Reading database ... 
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%
(Reading database ... 20%
(Reading database ... 25%
(Reading database ... 30%
(Reading database ... 35%
(Reading database ... 40%
(Reading database ... 45%
(Reading database ... 50%
(Reading database ... 55%
(Reading database ... 60%
(Reading database ... 65%
(Reading database ... 70%
(Reading database ... 75%
(Reading database ... 80%
(Reading database ... 85%
(Reading database ... 90%
(Reading database ... 95%
(Reading database ... 100%
(Reading database ... 18743 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libpkgconf3_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libpkgconf3:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package m4.
Preparing to unpack .../archives/m4_1.4.19-3_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking m4 (1.4.19-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pkgconf-bin.
Preparing to unpack .../pkgconf-bin_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking pkgconf-bin (1.8.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pkgconf:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../pkgconf_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking pkgconf:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package pkg-config:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../pkg-config_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking pkg-config:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
Setting up m4 (1.4.19-3) ...
Setting up libpkgconf3:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
Setting up pkgconf-bin (1.8.1-1) ...
Setting up pkgconf:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
Setting up pkg-config:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.36-9+deb12u3) ...
2024-01-29 18:58.09 ---> using "b418a88ab494a50d536e7f07b04cc94272839239412c32ff88e668d51ca14421" from cache

/home/opam: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)) (opam-dune-cache (target /home/opam/.cache/dune)))
                 (network host)
                 (shell "opam pin -ny  && opam depext -iy voodoo-prep"))
[voodoo: git]
[voodoo: git]
[voodoo: git]
[voodoo: git]
[voodoo: git]
[voodoo: git]
[voodoo: git]
[voodoo: git]
[voodoo] synchronised from git+
This will pin the following packages: voodoo-prep, voodoo-lib, voodoo-gen, voodoo-do. Continue? [Y/n] y
Package voodoo-prep does not exist, create as a NEW package? [Y/n] y
[voodoo-prep.~dev: git]
[voodoo-prep.~dev: git]
[voodoo-prep.~dev: git]
[voodoo-prep.~dev: git]
[voodoo-prep.~dev: git]
[voodoo-prep.~dev: git]
[voodoo-prep.~dev: git]
[voodoo-prep.~dev: git]
[voodoo-prep.~dev] synchronised from git+
voodoo-prep is now pinned to git+ (version ~dev)
Package voodoo-lib does not exist, create as a NEW package? [Y/n] y
[voodoo-lib.~dev: git]
[voodoo-lib.~dev: git]
[voodoo-lib.~dev: git]
[voodoo-lib.~dev: git]
[voodoo-lib.~dev: git]
[voodoo-lib.~dev: git]
[voodoo-lib.~dev: git]
[voodoo-lib.~dev: git]
[voodoo-lib.~dev] synchronised from git+
voodoo-lib is now pinned to git+ (version ~dev)
Package voodoo-gen does not exist, create as a NEW package? [Y/n] y
[voodoo-gen.~dev: git]
[voodoo-gen.~dev: git]
[voodoo-gen.~dev: git]
[voodoo-gen.~dev: git]
[voodoo-gen.~dev: git]
[voodoo-gen.~dev: git]
[voodoo-gen.~dev: git]
[voodoo-gen.~dev: git]
[voodoo-gen.~dev] synchronised from git+
voodoo-gen is now pinned to git+ (version ~dev)
Package voodoo-do does not exist, create as a NEW package? [Y/n] y
[voodoo-do.~dev: git]
[voodoo-do.~dev: git]
[voodoo-do.~dev: git]
[voodoo-do.~dev: git]
[voodoo-do.~dev: git]
[voodoo-do.~dev: git]
[voodoo-do.~dev: git]
[voodoo-do.~dev: git]
[voodoo-do.~dev] synchronised from git+
voodoo-do is now pinned to git+ (version ~dev)
# Detecting depexts using vars: arch=x86_64, os=linux, os-distribution=debian, os-family=debian
# No extra OS packages requirements found.
# All required OS packages found.
# Now letting opam install the packages

<><> Synchronising pinned packages ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[voodoo-prep.~dev] no changes from git+

The following actions will be performed:
  - install ocamlbuild       0.14.3 [required by bos]
  - install cmdliner         1.2.0  [required by voodoo-prep]
  - install dune             3.13.0 [required by voodoo-prep]
  - install ocamlfind        1.9.6  [required by bos]
  - install seq              base   [required by re]
  - install stdlib-shims     0.3.0  [required by ocamlgraph]
  - install opam-file-format 2.1.6  [required by opam-format]
  - install cppo             1.6.9  [required by opam-core]
  - install topkg            1.0.7  [required by bos]
  - install re               1.11.0 [required by opam-format]
  - install ocamlgraph       2.1.0  [required by opam-core]
  - install rresult          0.7.0  [required by bos]
  - install fmt              0.9.0  [required by bos]
  - install astring          0.8.5  [required by bos]
  - install opam-core        2.1.5  [required by opam-format]
  - install logs             0.7.0  [required by bos]
  - install fpath            0.7.3  [required by voodoo-prep]
  - install opam-format      2.1.5  [required by voodoo-prep]
  - install bos              0.2.1  [required by voodoo-prep]
  - install voodoo-prep      ~dev*
===== 20 to install =====

<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[astring.0.8.5] found in cache
[bos.0.2.1] found in cache
[cmdliner.1.2.0] found in cache
[cppo.1.6.9] found in cache
[dune.3.13.0] found in cache
[fmt.0.9.0] found in cache
[fpath.0.7.3] found in cache
[logs.0.7.0] found in cache
[ocamlbuild.0.14.3] found in cache
[ocamlfind.1.9.6] found in cache
[ocamlgraph.2.1.0] found in cache
[opam-core.2.1.5] found in cache
[opam-file-format.2.1.6] found in cache
[opam-format.2.1.5] found in cache
[re.1.11.0] found in cache
[rresult.0.7.0] found in cache
[stdlib-shims.0.3.0] found in cache
[topkg.1.0.7] found in cache
[voodoo-prep.~dev] synchronised from git+

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> installed seq.base
-> installed cmdliner.1.2.0
-> installed ocamlfind.1.9.6
-> installed ocamlbuild.0.14.3
-> installed topkg.1.0.7
-> installed rresult.0.7.0
-> installed fmt.0.9.0
-> installed astring.0.8.5
-> installed fpath.0.7.3
-> installed logs.0.7.0
-> installed bos.0.2.1
-> installed dune.3.13.0
-> installed stdlib-shims.0.3.0
-> installed opam-file-format.2.1.6
-> installed re.1.11.0
-> installed cppo.1.6.9
-> installed ocamlgraph.2.1.0
-> installed opam-core.2.1.5
-> installed opam-format.2.1.5
-> installed voodoo-prep.~dev
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-01-29 18:58.09 ---> using "8c1753ab3f999561386d92d6a545f4d93ce48f261a2e887cd770f6a19d85c2db" from cache

/home/opam: (run (shell "cp $(opam config var bin)/voodoo-prep /home/opam"))
2024-01-29 18:58.09 ---> using "5a6d5058580cbf65885cb241e62d2e9b1748569091de4318ad03185642c99261" from cache
2024-01-29 18:58.09 --> finished "tools"

(from ocaml/opam:debian-12-ocaml-5.0@sha256:4e18d45e7e34fadc756ba6b7062c64d6985bdd562c05ac86f22f246b0829a1f9)
2024-01-29 18:58.09 ---> using "8cd023a3ecf43f92171e533444a09f7573fba6d0b858021d48a5fba77bba6809" from cache

/: (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))

/: (workdir /home/opam)

/home/opam: (run (shell "sudo chown opam:opam /home/opam"))
2024-01-29 18:58.09 ---> using "dfc83a58793d97f458ef77bca4911887f57a6dc8f0de35f7c5741204b5e075c7" from cache

/home/opam: (run (shell "sudo mkdir /src"))
2024-01-29 18:58.09 ---> using "ff2d2554b3c6630fd1faf17522c3944617a344c267ef80fd45242749b461ad71" from cache

/home/opam: (copy (src packages) (dst /src/packages))
2024-01-29 18:58.11 ---> using "0c74e47ae39369e4bfa9c29ee0d64fbc7d630132018a9f8279f30a31b4f54877" from cache

/home/opam: (copy (src repo) (dst /src/repo))
2024-01-29 18:58.11 ---> using "bc45c0c6564184fd7a26b0f1ec8adf1f21201bb323b3a2a4653c0562cfa0536a" from cache

/home/opam: (run (network host)
                 (shell "sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/bin/opam && opam init --reinit -ni"))
Configuring from /home/opam/.opamrc and then from built-in defaults.
Checking for available remotes: rsync and local, git.
  - you won't be able to use mercurial repositories unless you install the hg command on your system.
  - you won't be able to use darcs repositories unless you install the darcs command on your system.

This version of opam requires an update to the layout of /home/opam/.opam from version 2.0 to version 2.1, which can't be reverted.
You may want to back it up before going further.

Continue? [Y/n] y
Format upgrade done.

<><> Updating repositories ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] synchronised from file:///home/opam/opam-repository
2024-01-29 18:58.11 ---> using "b8891f1708379684b929e6bbe29af1bb279c21837add969e371c35849e4c0a25" from cache

/home/opam: (run (shell "opam repo remove default && opam repo add opam /src"))
Repositories removed from the selections of switch 5.0. Use '--all' to forget about them altogether.
[opam] Initialised
[NOTE] Repository opam has been added to the selections of switch 5.0 only.
       Run `opam repository add opam --all-switches|--set-default' to use it in all existing switches, or in newly created switches, respectively.

2024-01-29 18:58.11 ---> using "8068e821f2011c512da900a74647aafd58ea53888ead16857c2486b4c1ed2cae" from cache

/home/opam: (copy (from (build tools))
                  (src /home/opam/voodoo-prep)
                  (dst /home/opam/))
2024-01-29 18:58.11 ---> using "82bf32885ae65ef2a335defc83635dc67f43c034833022368cf1617fb1a3869d" from cache

/home/opam: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)) (opam-dune-cache (target /home/opam/.cache/dune)))
                 (network host)
                 (shell "opam install dune.3.13.0 ocamlfind.1.9.6"))
The following actions will be performed:
  - install dune      3.13.0
  - install ocamlfind 1.9.6
===== 2 to install =====

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> retrieved ocamlfind.1.9.6  (cached)
-> retrieved dune.3.13.0  (cached)
-> installed ocamlfind.1.9.6
-> installed dune.3.13.0
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-01-29 18:58.11 ---> using "25ee05ed96253000b309e3d047aae8b3e07671991a742abe4ba028b3441c619f" from cache

/home/opam: (env DUNE_CACHE enabled)

/home/opam: (env DUNE_CACHE_TRANSPORT direct)

/home/opam: (env DUNE_CACHE_DUPLICATION copy)

/home/opam: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)) (opam-dune-cache (target /home/opam/.cache/dune)))
                 (network host)
                 (shell "(sudo apt update) && ((opam depext -viy duff.0.2 topkg.1.0.7 rresult.0.7.0 ocamlfind.1.9.6 ocamlbuild.0.14.3 logs.0.7.0 fpath.0.7.3 fmt.0.9.0 dune.3.13.0 cstruct.6.0.1 cmdliner.1.0.4 bos.0.2.1 bigarray-compat.1.1.0 astring.0.8.5 2>&1 | tee ~/opam.err.log) || echo 'Failed to install all packages')"))

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

Hit:1 bookworm InRelease
Get:2 bookworm-updates InRelease [52.1 kB]
Get:3 bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB]
Get:4 bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages [134 kB]
Fetched 234 kB in 0s (688 kB/s)
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
All packages are up to date.
Opam plugin "depext" may require upgrading/reinstalling. Reinstall the plugin on the current switch? [Y/n] y
The following actions will be performed:
  - recompile opam-depext 1.2.1-1

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> retrieved opam-depext.1.2.1-1  (cached)
-> removed   opam-depext.1.2.1-1
-> installed opam-depext.1.2.1-1

<><> opam-depext.1.2.1-1 installed successfully <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
=> opam-depext is unnecessary when used with opam >= 2.1. Please use opam install directly instead
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment

<><> Carrying on to "opam depext -viy duff.0.2 topkg.1.0.7 rresult.0.7.0 ocamlfind.1.9.6 ocamlbuild.0.14.3 logs.0.7.0 fpath.0.7.3 fmt.0.9.0 dune.3.13.0 cstruct.6.0.1 cmdliner.1.0.4 bos.0.2.1 bigarray-compat.1.1.0 astring.0.8.5" 

You are using opam 2.1+, where external dependency handling has been integrated: consider calling opam directly, the 'depext' plugin interface is provided for backwards compatibility only
# Detecting depexts using vars: arch=x86_64, os=linux, os-distribution=debian, os-family=debian
# No extra OS packages requirements found.
[NOTE] Package dune is already installed (current version is 3.13.0).
[NOTE] Package ocamlfind is already installed (current version is 1.9.6).
The following actions will be performed:
  - install bigarray-compat 1.1.0
  - install ocamlbuild      0.14.3
  - install cmdliner        1.0.4
  - install cstruct         6.0.1
  - install topkg           1.0.7
  - install rresult         0.7.0
  - install fmt             0.9.0
  - install astring         0.8.5
  - install logs            0.7.0
  - install fpath           0.7.3
  - install bos             0.2.1
  - install duff            0.2
===== 12 to install =====

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/36:
Processing  2/36:
Processing  3/36:
-> retrieved astring.0.8.5  (cached)
Processing  4/36:
-> retrieved bigarray-compat.1.1.0  (cached)
Processing  5/36:
Processing  6/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build]
-> retrieved bos.0.2.1  (cached)
Processing  7/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build]
-> retrieved cmdliner.1.0.4  (cached)
Processing  8/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build]
Processing  9/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build] [cmdliner: make all]
-> retrieved cstruct.6.0.1  (cached)
Processing 10/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build] [cmdliner: make all]
-> retrieved duff.0.2  (cached)
Processing 11/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build] [cmdliner: make all]
-> retrieved fmt.0.9.0  (cached)
Processing 12/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build] [cmdliner: make all]
-> retrieved fpath.0.7.3  (cached)
Processing 13/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build] [cmdliner: make all]
-> retrieved logs.0.7.0  (cached)
Processing 14/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build] [cmdliner: make all]
-> retrieved ocamlbuild.0.14.3  (cached)
Processing 15/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build] [cmdliner: make all] [ocamlbuild: make configure.make]
-> retrieved rresult.0.7.0  (cached)
-> retrieved topkg.1.0.7  (cached)
- (echo "# This file was generated from configure.make"; \
- echo ;\
- echo "OCAML_PREFIX="; \
- echo "OCAML_BINDIR=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/bin"; \
- echo "OCAML_LIBDIR=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/ocaml"; \
- echo "OCAML_MANDIR=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/man"; \
- echo ;\
- echo "EXT_OBJ=.o"; \
- echo "EXT_ASM=.s"; \
- echo "EXT_LIB=.a"; \
- echo ""; \
- echo "EXE="; \
- echo ;\
- echo "OCAML_NATIVE=true"; \
- echo "OCAML_NATIVE_TOOLS=true"; \
- echo "NATDYNLINK=true"; \
- echo ;\
- echo "PREFIX=/home/opam/.opam/5.0"; \
- echo "BINDIR=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/bin"; \
- echo "LIBDIR=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib"; \
- echo "MANDIR=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/man"; \
- ) > Makefile.config
- (echo "(* This file was generated from ../configure.make *)"; \
- echo ;\
- echo 'let bindir = "/home/opam/.opam/5.0/bin"'; \
- echo 'let libdir = "/home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib"'; \
- echo 'let ocaml_libdir = "/home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/ocaml"'; \
- echo 'let libdir_abs = "/home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib"'; \
- echo 'let ocaml_native = true'; \
- echo 'let ocaml_native_tools = true'; \
- echo 'let supports_shared_libraries = true';\
- echo 'let a = "a"'; \
- echo 'let o = "o"'; \
- echo 'let so = "so"'; \
- echo 'let ext_dll = ".so"'; \
- echo 'let exe = ""'; \
- echo 'let version = "0.14.3"'; \
- ) > src/
Processing 15/36: [bigarray-compat: dune build] [cmdliner: make all] [ocamlbuild: make check-if-preinstalled]
-> compiled  bigarray-compat.1.1.0
Processing 15/36: [cmdliner: make all] [ocamlbuild: make check-if-preinstalled]
-> installed bigarray-compat.1.1.0
Processing 16/36: [cmdliner: make all] [ocamlbuild: make check-if-preinstalled]
Processing 17/36: [cmdliner: make all] [cstruct: dune build] [ocamlbuild: make check-if-preinstalled]
-> compiled  cstruct.6.0.1
Processing 17/36: [cmdliner: make all] [ocamlbuild: make check-if-preinstalled]
-> installed cstruct.6.0.1
Processing 18/36: [cmdliner: make all] [ocamlbuild: make check-if-preinstalled]
- ocaml cma
- File "", line 158, characters 14-27:
- 158 |       `Error (err_ambiguous "enum value" s ambs)
-                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: labels kind, ambs were omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 278, characters 23-39:
- 278 |   if Cmdliner_manpage.(smap_has_section sm s_name) then sm else
-                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 293, characters 22-56:
- 293 |   let ins sm (s, b) = Cmdliner_manpage.smap_append_block sm s b in
-                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 294, characters 35-51:
- 294 |   let has_senv = Cmdliner_manpage.(smap_has_section sm s_environment) in
-                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 295, characters 36-52:
- 295 |   let has_sexit = Cmdliner_manpage.(smap_has_section sm s_exit_status) in
-                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 123, characters 20-47:
- 123 |           let err = Cmdliner_base.err_ambiguous "option" name ambs in
-                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: labels kind, ambs were omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 164, characters 24-50:
- 164 | | `Error e -> failwith (Cmdliner_msg.err_opt_parse f e)
-                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label err was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 214, characters 24-50:
- 214 | | `Error e -> failwith (Cmdliner_msg.err_pos_parse a e)
-                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label err was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 231, characters 10-36:
- 231 |   let a = Cmdliner_info.arg_make_pos pos a in
-                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label pos was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 195, characters 25-47:
- 195 |       | `Std_help fmt -> Cmdliner_docgen.pp_man err_ppf fmt help_ppf ei; `Help
-                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label errs was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocaml cmxa
- File "", line 158, characters 14-27:
- 158 |       `Error (err_ambiguous "enum value" s ambs)
-                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: labels kind, ambs were omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 278, characters 23-39:
- 278 |   if Cmdliner_manpage.(smap_has_section sm s_name) then sm else
-                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 293, characters 22-56:
- 293 |   let ins sm (s, b) = Cmdliner_manpage.smap_append_block sm s b in
-                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 294, characters 35-51:
- 294 |   let has_senv = Cmdliner_manpage.(smap_has_section sm s_environment) in
-                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 295, characters 36-52:
- 295 |   let has_sexit = Cmdliner_manpage.(smap_has_section sm s_exit_status) in
-                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 123, characters 20-47:
- 123 |           let err = Cmdliner_base.err_ambiguous "option" name ambs in
-                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: labels kind, ambs were omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 164, characters 24-50:
- 164 | | `Error e -> failwith (Cmdliner_msg.err_opt_parse f e)
-                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label err was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 214, characters 24-50:
- 214 | | `Error e -> failwith (Cmdliner_msg.err_pos_parse a e)
-                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label err was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 231, characters 10-36:
- 231 |   let a = Cmdliner_info.arg_make_pos pos a in
-                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label pos was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 195, characters 25-47:
- 195 |       | `Std_help fmt -> Cmdliner_docgen.pp_man err_ppf fmt help_ppf ei; `Help
-                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label errs was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocaml cmxs
- File "", line 158, characters 14-27:
- 158 |       `Error (err_ambiguous "enum value" s ambs)
-                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: labels kind, ambs were omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 278, characters 23-39:
- 278 |   if Cmdliner_manpage.(smap_has_section sm s_name) then sm else
-                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 293, characters 22-56:
- 293 |   let ins sm (s, b) = Cmdliner_manpage.smap_append_block sm s b in
-                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 294, characters 35-51:
- 294 |   let has_senv = Cmdliner_manpage.(smap_has_section sm s_environment) in
-                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 295, characters 36-52:
- 295 |   let has_sexit = Cmdliner_manpage.(smap_has_section sm s_exit_status) in
-                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label sec was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 123, characters 20-47:
- 123 |           let err = Cmdliner_base.err_ambiguous "option" name ambs in
-                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: labels kind, ambs were omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 164, characters 24-50:
- 164 | | `Error e -> failwith (Cmdliner_msg.err_opt_parse f e)
-                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label err was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 214, characters 24-50:
- 214 | | `Error e -> failwith (Cmdliner_msg.err_pos_parse a e)
-                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label err was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 231, characters 10-36:
- 231 |   let a = Cmdliner_info.arg_make_pos pos a in
-                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label pos was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "", line 195, characters 25-47:
- 195 |       | `Std_help fmt -> Cmdliner_docgen.pp_man err_ppf fmt help_ppf ei; `Help
-                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label errs was omitted in the application of this function.
-> compiled  cmdliner.1.0.4
Processing 18/36: [ocamlbuild: make check-if-preinstalled]
Processing 19/36: [ocamlbuild: make check-if-preinstalled] [cmdliner: make install]
- install -d /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/cmdliner
- install pkg/META _build/cmdliner.mli _build/cmdliner.cmi _build/cmdliner.cmti /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/cmdliner
- install cmdliner.opam /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/cmdliner/opam
- install _build/cmdliner.cma /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/cmdliner
- install _build/cmdliner.cmxa _build/cmdliner.a _build/cmdliner.cmx _build/cmdliner_arg.cmx _build/cmdliner_base.cmx _build/cmdliner_cline.cmx _build/cmdliner_docgen.cmx _build/cmdliner_info.cmx _build/cmdliner_manpage.cmx _build/cmdliner_msg.cmx _build/cmdliner_suggest.cmx _build/cmdliner_term.cmx _build/cmdliner_trie.cmx \
-   /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/cmdliner
- install _build/cmdliner.cmxs /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/cmdliner
Processing 19/36: [ocamlbuild: make check-if-preinstalled] [cmdliner: make install-doc]
- install -d /home/opam/.opam/5.0/doc/cmdliner
- install /home/opam/.opam/5.0/doc/cmdliner
-> installed cmdliner.1.0.4
Processing 19/36: [ocamlbuild: make check-if-preinstalled]
+ /usr/bin/make "check-if-preinstalled" "all" "opam-install" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3)
- if test -d /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/ocaml/ocamlbuild; then\
-   >&2 echo "ERROR: Preinstalled ocamlbuild detected at"\
-        "/home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/ocaml/ocamlbuild";\
-   >&2 echo "Installation aborted; if you want to bypass this"\
-         "safety check, pass CHECK_IF_PREINSTALLED=false to make";\
-   exit 2;\
- fi
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/loc.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/discard_printf.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/signatures.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_std.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_unix.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tags.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/display.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/log.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/shell.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/bool.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_ast.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamllex.opt src/glob_lexer.mll
- 55 states, 419 transitions, table size 2006 bytes
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_lexer.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamllex.opt src/lexers.mll
- 251 states, 1051 transitions, table size 5710 bytes
- 4334 additional bytes used for bindings
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/lexers.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/param_tags.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/command.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_where.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/slurp.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/options.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/pathname.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/configuration.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/flags.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hygiene.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/digest_cache.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/resource.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/rule.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/solver.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/report.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tools.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/fda.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/findlib.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_arch.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_utils.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_dependencies.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_compiler.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_tools.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_specific.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/exit_codes.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/plugin.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hooks.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/main.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- mkdir -p tmp
- ocamlc.opt -pack src/const.cmo src/loc.cmo src/discard_printf.cmo src/signatures.cmi src/my_std.cmo src/my_unix.cmo src/tags.cmo src/display.cmo src/log.cmo src/shell.cmo src/bool.cmo src/glob_ast.cmo src/glob_lexer.cmo src/glob.cmo src/lexers.cmo src/param_tags.cmo src/command.cmo src/ocamlbuild_config.cmo src/ocamlbuild_where.cmo src/slurp.cmo src/options.cmo src/pathname.cmo src/configuration.cmo src/flags.cmo src/hygiene.cmo src/digest_cache.cmo src/resource.cmo src/rule.cmo src/solver.cmo src/report.cmo src/tools.cmo src/fda.cmo src/findlib.cmo src/ocaml_arch.cmo src/ocaml_utils.cmo src/ocaml_dependencies.cmo src/ocaml_compiler.cmo src/ocaml_tools.cmo src/ocaml_specific.cmo src/exit_codes.cmo src/plugin.cmo src/hooks.cmo src/main.cmo -o tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo
- mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmi src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmi
- mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c bin/ocamlbuild.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c bin/
- ocamlc.opt -I +unix -I src -o ocamlbuild.byte unix.cma src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmo bin/ocamlbuild.cmo
- ocamlc.opt -a -o plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cma src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmo
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/
- mkdir -p tmp
- ocamlopt.opt -pack src/const.cmx src/loc.cmx src/discard_printf.cmx src/signatures.cmi src/my_std.cmx src/my_unix.cmx src/tags.cmx src/display.cmx src/log.cmx src/shell.cmx src/bool.cmx src/glob_ast.cmx src/glob_lexer.cmx src/glob.cmx src/lexers.cmx src/param_tags.cmx src/command.cmx src/ocamlbuild_config.cmx src/ocamlbuild_where.cmx src/slurp.cmx src/options.cmx src/pathname.cmx src/configuration.cmx src/flags.cmx src/hygiene.cmx src/digest_cache.cmx src/resource.cmx src/rule.cmx src/solver.cmx src/report.cmx src/tools.cmx src/fda.cmx src/findlib.cmx src/ocaml_arch.cmx src/ocaml_utils.cmx src/ocaml_dependencies.cmx src/ocaml_compiler.cmx src/ocaml_tools.cmx src/ocaml_specific.cmx src/exit_codes.cmx src/plugin.cmx src/hooks.cmx src/main.cmx -o tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx
- mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx
- mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.o src/ocamlbuild_pack.o
- ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/
- ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/
- ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/
- ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c bin/
- ocamlopt.opt -I +unix -I src -o ocamlbuild.native unix.cmxa src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmx bin/ocamlbuild.cmx
- ocamlopt.opt -a -o plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cmxa src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmx
- ocamlc.opt src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo -I src man/ -o man/options_man.byte
- ./man/options_man.byte > man/ocamlbuild.options.1
- cat man/ocamlbuild.header.1 man/ocamlbuild.options.1 man/ocamlbuild.footer.1 > man/ocamlbuild.1
- /usr/bin/make ocamlbuild.install
- make[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- rm -f ocamlbuild.install
- touch ocamlbuild.install
- /usr/bin/make install-bin-opam
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo 'bin: [' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "ocamlbuild.byte" {"ocamlbuild.byte"}' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "ocamlbuild.native" {"ocamlbuild.native"}' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "ocamlbuild.native" {"ocamlbuild"}' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo ']' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo >> ocamlbuild.install
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- /usr/bin/make install-lib-opam
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo 'lib: [' >> ocamlbuild.install
- /usr/bin/make install-lib-basics-opam
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo '  "ocamlbuild.opam" {"opam"}' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "META"' >> ocamlbuild.install
- for lib in src/signatures.mli src/signatures.cmi src/signatures.cmti; do \
-   echo "  \"$lib\" {\"$(basename $lib)\"}" >> ocamlbuild.install; \
- done
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- /usr/bin/make install-lib-byte-opam
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- for lib in plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cma bin/ocamlbuild.cmo src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmi plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmi plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmi plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmi; do \
-   echo "  \"$lib\" {\"$(basename $lib)\"}" >> ocamlbuild.install; \
- done
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- /usr/bin/make install-lib-native-opam
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- for lib in plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cmxa plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.a bin/ocamlbuild.cmx bin/ocamlbuild.o src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.o plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.o plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.o; do \
-   echo "  \"$lib\" {\"$(basename $lib)\"}" >> ocamlbuild.install; \
- done
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo ']' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo >> ocamlbuild.install
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- /usr/bin/make install-man-opam
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo 'man: [' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "man/ocamlbuild.1" {"man1/ocamlbuild.1"}' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo ']' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo >> ocamlbuild.install
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- /usr/bin/make install-doc-opam
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo 'doc: [' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "LICENSE"' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "Changes"' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  ""' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo ']' >> ocamlbuild.install
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
-> compiled  ocamlbuild.0.14.3
-> installed ocamlbuild.0.14.3
Processing 21/36: [topkg: ocaml build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/5.0/bin/ocaml "pkg/" "build" "--pkg-name" "topkg" "--dev-pkg" "false" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/topkg.1.0.7)
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg.mli > src/topkg.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg.cmi src/topkg.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_build.mli > src/topkg_build.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_cmd.mli > src/topkg_cmd.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_fpath.mli > src/topkg_fpath.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fpath.cmi src/topkg_fpath.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_codec.mli > src/topkg_codec.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_cmd.cmi src/topkg_cmd.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_result.mli > src/topkg_result.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_result.cmi src/topkg_result.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_conf.mli > src/topkg_conf.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_codec.cmi src/topkg_codec.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_conf.cmi src/topkg_conf.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_build.cmi src/topkg_build.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_string.mli > src/topkg_string.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_string.cmi src/topkg_string.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_string.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fpath.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_cmd.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_os.mli > src/topkg_os.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_os.cmi src/topkg_os.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_log.mli > src/topkg_log.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_log.cmi src/topkg_log.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_result.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_log.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_os.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_codec.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_vcs.mli > src/topkg_vcs.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_vcs.cmi src/topkg_vcs.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_vcs.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_conf.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_distrib.mli > src/topkg_distrib.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_distrib.cmi src/topkg_distrib.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_opam.mli > src/topkg_opam.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_opam.cmi src/topkg_opam.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_opam.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_fexts.mli > src/topkg_fexts.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fexts.cmi src/topkg_fexts.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_install.mli > src/topkg_install.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_test.mli > src/topkg_test.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_test.cmi src/topkg_test.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_install.cmi src/topkg_install.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fexts.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_test.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_ipc.mli > src/topkg_ipc.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_pkg.mli > src/topkg_pkg.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_publish.mli > src/topkg_publish.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_publish.cmi src/topkg_publish.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_pkg.cmi src/topkg_pkg.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_ipc.cmi src/topkg_ipc.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_build.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_distrib.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_install.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_publish.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_pkg.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_main.mli > src/topkg_main.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_main.cmi src/topkg_main.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_ipc.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_main.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -I src src/topkg_string.cmx src/topkg_fpath.cmx src/topkg_cmd.cmx src/topkg_result.cmx src/topkg_log.cmx src/topkg_os.cmx src/topkg_codec.cmx src/topkg_vcs.cmx src/topkg_conf.cmx src/topkg_build.cmx src/topkg_opam.cmx src/topkg_distrib.cmx src/topkg_fexts.cmx src/topkg_test.cmx src/topkg_install.cmx src/topkg_publish.cmx src/topkg_pkg.cmx src/topkg_ipc.cmx src/topkg_main.cmx src/topkg.cmx -o src/topkg.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -I src src/topkg.cmxa -o src/topkg.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_build.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_cmd.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_codec.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_conf.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_distrib.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fexts.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fpath.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_install.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_ipc.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_log.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_main.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_opam.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_os.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_pkg.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_publish.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_result.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_string.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_test.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_vcs.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -I src src/topkg_string.cmo src/topkg_fpath.cmo src/topkg_cmd.cmo src/topkg_result.cmo src/topkg_log.cmo src/topkg_os.cmo src/topkg_codec.cmo src/topkg_vcs.cmo src/topkg_conf.cmo src/topkg_build.cmo src/topkg_opam.cmo src/topkg_distrib.cmo src/topkg_fexts.cmo src/topkg_test.cmo src/topkg_install.cmo src/topkg_publish.cmo src/topkg_pkg.cmo src/topkg_ipc.cmo src/topkg_main.cmo src/topkg.cmo -o src/topkg.cma
- # Parallel statistics: { count(total): 2(84), max: 20, min: 2, average(total): 11.000(1.238) }
-> compiled  topkg.1.0.7
-> installed topkg.1.0.7
Processing 23/36: [astring: ocaml build]
Processing 24/36: [astring: ocaml build] [fmt: ocaml build]
Processing 25/36: [astring: ocaml build] [fmt: ocaml build] [rresult: ocaml build]
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/rresult.mli > src/rresult.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/rresult.cmi src/rresult.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/rresult.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -I src src/rresult.cmx -o src/rresult.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -I src src/rresult.cmxa -o src/rresult.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/rresult.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -I src src/rresult.cmo -o src/rresult.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package compiler-libs.toplevel -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/rresult_top.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/rresult_top.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/rresult_top.cmx -o src/rresult_top.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/rresult_top.cmxa -o src/rresult_top.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/rresult_top.cmo -o src/rresult_top.cma
- # No parallelism done
-> compiled  rresult.0.7.0
Processing 25/36: [astring: ocaml build] [fmt: ocaml build]
-> installed rresult.0.7.0
Processing 26/36: [astring: ocaml build] [fmt: ocaml build]
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/fmt.mli > src/fmt.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/fmt.cmi src/fmt.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/fmt.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -I src src/fmt.cmx -o src/fmt.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -I src src/fmt.cmxa -o src/fmt.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/fmt.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -I src src/fmt.cmo -o src/fmt.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package unix -modules src/fmt_tty.mli > src/fmt_tty.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -I src -I test -o src/fmt_tty.cmi src/fmt_tty.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -I src -I test -o src/fmt_tty.cmx src/
- + ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -I src -I test -o src/fmt_tty.cmx src/
- File "src/", line 49, characters 12-20:
- 49 |         try is_infix "UTF-8" (String.uppercase_ascii (Sys.getenv var))
-                  ^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package unix -I src src/fmt_tty.cmx -o src/fmt_tty.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package unix -I src src/fmt_tty.cmxa -o src/fmt_tty.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -I src -I test -o src/fmt_tty.cmo src/
- + ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -I src -I test -o src/fmt_tty.cmo src/
- File "src/", line 49, characters 12-20:
- 49 |         try is_infix "UTF-8" (String.uppercase_ascii (Sys.getenv var))
-                  ^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package unix -I src src/fmt_tty.cmo -o src/fmt_tty.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package cmdliner -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package cmdliner -modules src/fmt_cli.mli > src/fmt_cli.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package cmdliner -I src -I test -o src/fmt_cli.cmi src/fmt_cli.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package cmdliner -I src -I test -o src/fmt_cli.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package cmdliner -I src src/fmt_cli.cmx -o src/fmt_cli.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package cmdliner -I src src/fmt_cli.cmxa -o src/fmt_cli.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package cmdliner -I src -I test -o src/fmt_cli.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package cmdliner -I src src/fmt_cli.cmo -o src/fmt_cli.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package compiler-libs.toplevel -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/fmt_top.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/fmt_top.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/fmt_top.cmx -o src/fmt_top.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/fmt_top.cmxa -o src/fmt_top.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/fmt_top.cmo -o src/fmt_top.cma
- # No parallelism done
-> compiled  fmt.0.9.0
Processing 26/36: [astring: ocaml build]
-> installed fmt.0.9.0
Processing 27/36: [astring: ocaml build]
Processing 28/36: [astring: ocaml build] [logs: ocaml build]
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_unsafe.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_base.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_unsafe.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_escape.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_char.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_escape.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_sub.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_base.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_char.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_string.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_sub.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/astring.mli > src/astring.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring.cmi src/astring.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring_string.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -I src src/astring_unsafe.cmx src/astring_base.cmx src/astring_escape.cmx src/astring_char.cmx src/astring_sub.cmx src/astring_string.cmx src/astring.cmx -o src/astring.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -I src src/astring.cmxa -o src/astring.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/astring.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -I src src/astring_unsafe.cmo src/astring_base.cmo src/astring_escape.cmo src/astring_char.cmo src/astring_sub.cmo src/astring_string.cmo src/astring.cmo -o src/astring.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package compiler-libs.toplevel -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/astring_top.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/astring_top.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/astring_top.cmx -o src/astring_top.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/astring_top.cmxa -o src/astring_top.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/astring_top.cmo -o src/astring_top.cma
- # No parallelism done
-> compiled  astring.0.8.5
Processing 28/36: [logs: ocaml build]
-> installed astring.0.8.5
Processing 29/36: [logs: ocaml build]
Processing 30/36: [fpath: ocaml build] [logs: ocaml build]
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package astring -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package astring -modules src/fpath.mli > src/fpath.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package astring -I src -I test -o src/fpath.cmi src/fpath.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package astring -I src -I test -o src/fpath.cmx src/
- + ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package astring -I src -I test -o src/fpath.cmx src/
- File "src/", line 40, characters 22-38:
- 40 |   let is_unc_path p = String.is_prefix "\\\\" p
-                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 124, characters 21-37:
- 124 |   let has_volume p = String.is_prefix "//" p
-                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 427, characters 10-26:
- 427 |   if not (String.is_prefix prefix p) then false else
-                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 548, characters 42-58:
- 548 | | Some r -> not (String.equal dotdot r || String.is_prefix dotdot_dir r)
-                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 563, characters 32-48:
- 563 | | true -> String.equal dot p || String.is_prefix dot_dir p
-                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 578, characters 35-51:
- 578 | | true -> String.equal dotdot p || String.is_prefix dotdot_dir p
-                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 633, characters 18-31:
- 633 |   if not (String.(Sub.is_suffix (sub e) ext)) then false else
-                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package astring -I src src/fpath.cmx -o src/fpath.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package astring -I src src/fpath.cmxa -o src/fpath.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package astring -I src -I test -o src/fpath.cmo src/
- + ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package astring -I src -I test -o src/fpath.cmo src/
- File "src/", line 40, characters 22-38:
- 40 |   let is_unc_path p = String.is_prefix "\\\\" p
-                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 124, characters 21-37:
- 124 |   let has_volume p = String.is_prefix "//" p
-                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 427, characters 10-26:
- 427 |   if not (String.is_prefix prefix p) then false else
-                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 548, characters 42-58:
- 548 | | Some r -> not (String.equal dotdot r || String.is_prefix dotdot_dir r)
-                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 563, characters 32-48:
- 563 | | true -> String.equal dot p || String.is_prefix dot_dir p
-                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 578, characters 35-51:
- 578 | | true -> String.equal dotdot p || String.is_prefix dotdot_dir p
-                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 633, characters 18-31:
- 633 |   if not (String.(Sub.is_suffix (sub e) ext)) then false else
-                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package astring -I src src/fpath.cmo -o src/fpath.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package astring -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package astring -I src -I test -o src/fpath_top.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package astring -I src -I test -o src/fpath_top.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package astring -I src src/fpath_top.cmx -o src/fpath_top.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package astring -I src src/fpath_top.cmxa -o src/fpath_top.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package astring -I src src/fpath_top.cmo -o src/fpath_top.cma
- # No parallelism done
-> compiled  fpath.0.7.3
Processing 30/36: [logs: ocaml build]
-> installed fpath.0.7.3
Processing 31/36: [logs: ocaml build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/5.0/bin/ocaml "pkg/" "build" "--pinned" "false" "--with-js_of_ocaml" "false" "--with-fmt" "true" "--with-cmdliner" "true" "--with-lwt" "false" "--with-base-threads" "true" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/logs.0.7.0)
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/logs.mli > src/logs.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/logs.cmi src/logs.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/logs.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -I src src/logs.cmx -o src/logs.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -I src src/logs.cmxa -o src/logs.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/logs.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -I src src/logs.cmo -o src/logs.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package fmt -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package fmt -modules src/logs_fmt.mli > src/logs_fmt.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package fmt -I src -I test -o src/logs_fmt.cmi src/logs_fmt.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package fmt -I src -I test -o src/logs_fmt.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package fmt -I src src/logs_fmt.cmx -o src/logs_fmt.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package fmt -I src src/logs_fmt.cmxa -o src/logs_fmt.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package fmt -I src -I test -o src/logs_fmt.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package fmt -I src src/logs_fmt.cmo -o src/logs_fmt.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package cmdliner -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package cmdliner -modules src/logs_cli.mli > src/logs_cli.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package cmdliner -I src -I test -o src/logs_cli.cmi src/logs_cli.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package cmdliner -I src -I test -o src/logs_cli.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package cmdliner -I src src/logs_cli.cmx -o src/logs_cli.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package cmdliner -I src src/logs_cli.cmxa -o src/logs_cli.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package cmdliner -I src -I test -o src/logs_cli.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package cmdliner -I src src/logs_cli.cmo -o src/logs_cli.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package compiler-libs.toplevel -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/logs_top.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/logs_top.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/logs_top.cmx -o src/logs_top.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/logs_top.cmxa -o src/logs_top.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/logs_top.cmo -o src/logs_top.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package threads -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package threads -modules src/logs_threaded.mli > src/logs_threaded.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -thread -package threads -I src -I test -o src/logs_threaded.cmi src/logs_threaded.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -thread -package threads -I src -I test -o src/logs_threaded.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -thread -package threads -I src src/logs_threaded.cmx -o src/logs_threaded.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -thread -package threads -I src src/logs_threaded.cmxa -o src/logs_threaded.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -thread -package threads -I src -I test -o src/logs_threaded.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -thread -package threads -I src src/logs_threaded.cmo -o src/logs_threaded.cma
- # No parallelism done
-> compiled  logs.0.7.0
-> installed logs.0.7.0
Processing 33/36: [bos: ocaml build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/5.0/bin/ocaml "pkg/" "build" "--dev-pkg" "false" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/bos.0.2.1)
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_base.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_pat.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_log.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_cmd.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_u.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_tmp.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_path.cmo src/
- + ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_path.cmo src/
- File "src/", line 432, characters 25-41:
- 432 |       if not dotfiles && String.is_prefix "." bname then acc else
-                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 446, characters 25-41:
- 446 |       if not dotfiles && String.is_prefix "." base then acc else
-                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_base.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_log.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_pat.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_file.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_path.cmx src/
- + ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_path.cmx src/
- File "src/", line 432, characters 25-41:
- 432 |       if not dotfiles && String.is_prefix "." bname then acc else
-                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "src/", line 446, characters 25-41:
- 446 |       if not dotfiles && String.is_prefix "." base then acc else
-                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_tmp.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_env.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_dir.cmo src/
- + ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_dir.cmo src/
- File "src/", line 49, characters 35-51:
- 49 |     | Some f when dotfiles || not (String.is_prefix "." f) ->
-                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_cmd.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_env.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_cmd.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_file.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_arg.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/bos.mli > src/bos.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos.cmi src/bos.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_arg.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_cmd.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_dir.cmx src/
- + ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_dir.cmx src/
- File "src/", line 49, characters 35-51:
- 49 |     | Some f when dotfiles || not (String.is_prefix "." f) ->
-                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_os_u.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src src/bos_base.cmx src/bos_pat.cmx src/bos_log.cmx src/bos_cmd.cmx src/bos_os_u.cmx src/bos_os_tmp.cmx src/bos_os_path.cmx src/bos_os_file.cmx src/bos_os_env.cmx src/bos_os_dir.cmx src/bos_os_cmd.cmx src/bos_os_arg.cmx src/bos.cmx -o src/bos.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src src/bos.cmxa -o src/bos.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src src/bos_base.cmo src/bos_pat.cmo src/bos_log.cmo src/bos_cmd.cmo src/bos_os_u.cmo src/bos_os_tmp.cmo src/bos_os_path.cmo src/bos_os_file.cmo src/bos_os_env.cmo src/bos_os_dir.cmo src/bos_os_cmd.cmo src/bos_os_arg.cmo src/bos.cmo -o src/bos.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package fmt.tty -package logs.fmt -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package fmt.tty -package logs.fmt -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/bos_setup.mli > src/bos_setup.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package fmt.tty -package logs.fmt -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_setup.cmi src/bos_setup.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package fmt.tty -package logs.fmt -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_setup.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package fmt.tty -package logs.fmt -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src src/bos_setup.cmx -o src/bos_setup.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package fmt.tty -package logs.fmt -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src src/bos_setup.cmxa -o src/bos_setup.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package fmt.tty -package logs.fmt -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_setup.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package fmt.tty -package logs.fmt -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src src/bos_setup.cmo -o src/bos_setup.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -modules src/ > src/
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_top.cmo src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src -I test -o src/bos_top.cmx src/
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src src/bos_top.cmx -o src/bos_top.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src src/bos_top.cmxa -o src/bos_top.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -package rresult -package astring -package fpath -package fmt -package logs -package unix -I src src/bos_top.cmo -o src/bos_top.cma
- # No parallelism done
-> compiled  bos.0.2.1
-> installed bos.0.2.1
Processing 35/36: [duff: dune subst]
+ /home/opam/.opam/5.0/bin/dune "subst" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/duff.0.2)
Processing 35/36: [duff: dune build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/5.0/bin/dune "build" "-p" "duff" "-j" "255" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/5.0/.opam-switch/build/duff.0.2)
- (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/5.0/bin/ocamlc.opt -w -40 -g -bin-annot -I lib/.duff.objs/byte -I /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/bigarray-compat -I /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/cstruct -I /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/fmt -intf-suffix .ml -no-alias-deps -o lib/.duff.objs/byte/duff.cmo -c -impl lib/
- File "lib/", line 220, characters 9-20:
- 220 |     3 + (Cstruct.len buff + 1) + 1 + (Array.fold_left (fun acc x -> List.length x * 4 + 1 + acc) 1 hash)
-                ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 231, characters 16-27:
- 231 |       then min (Cstruct.len buf) 0xFFFFFFFE
-                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 232, characters 16-27:
- 232 |       else min (Cstruct.len buf) max_int in
-                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 252, characters 43-54:
- 252 |       let hash = Hash.hash buf (!idx + 1) (Cstruct.len buf) in
-                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 394, characters 16-27:
- 394 |       let len = Cstruct.len buf in
-                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 404, characters 12-23:
- 404 |   let len = Cstruct.len c in
-                   ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 430, characters 16-27:
- 430 |   let src_len = Cstruct.len src in
-                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 431, characters 16-27:
- 431 |   let dst_len = Cstruct.len dst in
-                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 531, characters 63-74:
- 531 |            Index.Hash.hash buf (offset + copy_len - V.window) (Cstruct.len buf))
-                                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 535, characters 38-49:
- 535 |     let hash = Index.Hash.hash buf 0 (Cstruct.len buf) in
-                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 536, characters 33-44:
- 536 |     let consumed = min V.window (Cstruct.len buf) in
-                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/5.0/bin/ocamlopt.opt -w -40 -g -I lib/.duff.objs/byte -I lib/.duff.objs/native -I /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/bigarray-compat -I /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/cstruct -I /home/opam/.opam/5.0/lib/fmt -intf-suffix .ml -no-alias-deps -o lib/.duff.objs/native/duff.cmx -c -impl lib/
- File "lib/", line 220, characters 9-20:
- 220 |     3 + (Cstruct.len buff + 1) + 1 + (Array.fold_left (fun acc x -> List.length x * 4 + 1 + acc) 1 hash)
-                ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 231, characters 16-27:
- 231 |       then min (Cstruct.len buf) 0xFFFFFFFE
-                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 232, characters 16-27:
- 232 |       else min (Cstruct.len buf) max_int in
-                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 252, characters 43-54:
- 252 |       let hash = Hash.hash buf (!idx + 1) (Cstruct.len buf) in
-                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 394, characters 16-27:
- 394 |       let len = Cstruct.len buf in
-                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 404, characters 12-23:
- 404 |   let len = Cstruct.len c in
-                   ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 430, characters 16-27:
- 430 |   let src_len = Cstruct.len src in
-                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 431, characters 16-27:
- 431 |   let dst_len = Cstruct.len dst in
-                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 531, characters 63-74:
- 531 |            Index.Hash.hash buf (offset + copy_len - V.window) (Cstruct.len buf))
-                                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 535, characters 38-49:
- 535 |     let hash = Index.Hash.hash buf 0 (Cstruct.len buf) in
-                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
- File "lib/", line 536, characters 33-44:
- 536 |     let consumed = min V.window (Cstruct.len buf) in
-                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cstruct.len
- len is deprecated, you should use length instead.
-> compiled  duff.0.2
-> installed duff.0.2
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-01-29 19:00.07 ---> saved as "040eb0918c58a49a37ffc474b0e84768152c4ff15faafae672f3adacb4faffd3"

/home/opam: (run (shell "opam exec -- ~/voodoo-prep -u duff:f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea,rresult:9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,logs:998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2,fpath:a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877,fmt:7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799,cstruct:69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25,cmdliner:ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea,bos:3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5,astring:9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191"))
2024-01-29 19:00.10 ---> saved as "3dc4cbf67fcefae1941bbadbad54356c9535fdbbad02936c8040dc6ed9e761bf"

/home/opam: (run (network host)
                 (secrets (ssh_privkey (target /home/opam/.ssh/id_rsa)) (ssh_pubkey (target /home/opam/.ssh/ (ssh_config (target /home/opam/.ssh/config)))
                 (shell "(echo '0.081520') && (for DATA in prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/astring/0.8.5,astring.0.8.5-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,astring.0.8.5 prep/universes/3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5/bos/0.2.1,bos.0.2.1-3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5,bos.0.2.1 prep/universes/ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea/cmdliner/1.0.4,cmdliner.1.0.4-ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea,cmdliner.1.0.4 prep/universes/69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25/cstruct/6.0.1,cstruct.6.0.1-69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25,cstruct.6.0.1 prep/universes/7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799/fmt/0.9.0,fmt.0.9.0-7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799,fmt.0.9.0 prep/universes/a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877/fpath/0.7.3,fpath.0.7.3-a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877,fpath.0.7.3 prep/universes/998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2/logs/0.7.0,logs.0.7.0-998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2,logs.0.7.0 prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/rresult/0.7.0,rresult.0.7.0-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,rresult.0.7.0 prep/universes/f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea/duff/0.2,duff.0.2-f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea,duff.0.2; do IFS=\",\"; set -- $DATA; ([ -d $1 ] || (echo \"FAILED:$2\" && mkdir -p $1 && cp ~/opam.err.log $1 && opam show $3 --raw > $1/opam)) && (shopt -s nullglob && ((tar -cvf $1.tar $1/*  && rm -R $1/* && mv $1.tar $1/content.tar) || (echo 'Empty directory'))) done) && (for DATA in prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/astring/0.8.5,astring.0.8.5-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,astring.0.8.5 prep/universes/3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5/bos/0.2.1,bos.0.2.1-3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5,bos.0.2.1 prep/universes/ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea/cmdliner/1.0.4,cmdliner.1.0.4-ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea,cmdliner.1.0.4 prep/universes/69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25/cstruct/6.0.1,cstruct.6.0.1-69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25,cstruct.6.0.1 prep/universes/7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799/fmt/0.9.0,fmt.0.9.0-7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799,fmt.0.9.0 prep/universes/a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877/fpath/0.7.3,fpath.0.7.3-a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877,fpath.0.7.3 prep/universes/998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2/logs/0.7.0,logs.0.7.0-998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2,logs.0.7.0 prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/rresult/0.7.0,rresult.0.7.0-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,rresult.0.7.0 prep/universes/f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea/duff/0.2,duff.0.2-f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea,duff.0.2; do IFS=\",\"; set -- $DATA; rsync -aR --no-p ./$1; done) && (for DATA in prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/astring/0.8.5,astring.0.8.5-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,astring.0.8.5 prep/universes/3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5/bos/0.2.1,bos.0.2.1-3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5,bos.0.2.1 prep/universes/ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea/cmdliner/1.0.4,cmdliner.1.0.4-ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea,cmdliner.1.0.4 prep/universes/69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25/cstruct/6.0.1,cstruct.6.0.1-69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25,cstruct.6.0.1 prep/universes/7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799/fmt/0.9.0,fmt.0.9.0-7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799,fmt.0.9.0 prep/universes/a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877/fpath/0.7.3,fpath.0.7.3-a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877,fpath.0.7.3 prep/universes/998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2/logs/0.7.0,logs.0.7.0-998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2,logs.0.7.0 prep/universes/9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191/rresult/0.7.0,rresult.0.7.0-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191,rresult.0.7.0 prep/universes/f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea/duff/0.2,duff.0.2-f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea,duff.0.2; do IFS=\",\"; set -- $DATA; HASH=$((sha256sum $1/content.tar | cut -d \" \" -f 1)  || echo -n 'empty'); printf \"HASHES:$2:$HASH\\n\"; done)"))
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
2024-01-29 19:00.15 ---> saved as "7ad34453b1aa26ae86d46b2f91d508903dbde7bb81828233611279edf5f4d14b"
Job succeeded
2024-01-29 19:05.51: duff.0.2-f5cf4119fa063674b3ba463ff0462fea -> 582b1060469fc41a02563e5b10cb7e4d74a898d9646c65b77ef66c8cb74019ea
2024-01-29 19:05.51: rresult.0.7.0-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191 -> d5cd28d18a6e3b7442c8e10ac29c52f40aa38898aafe24e73374f353211409bd
2024-01-29 19:05.51: logs.0.7.0-998f175109fed9b3e4a4c09a8500d1a2 -> 04f421b1caea023080b321162564c7934de5b083fa96ea209a16d69fceb57b52
2024-01-29 19:05.51: fpath.0.7.3-a9871dca9de87a04c2d60675e3fd6877 -> 26fe76b73553ce223561477517bde89fc99238dcd8a4e18b218bd780bae86144
2024-01-29 19:05.51: fmt.0.9.0-7c52f1ae68710799f00ba075523e9799 -> 4d27b1435eadb17436f855ecc95aec91f6bb55c50b6c5ba74572a4f37719bce1
2024-01-29 19:05.51: cstruct.6.0.1-69e3c78e335f11acdc91b6e583b16c25 -> 4fa2f7c78b7e6403c91f7ca8b4a591d0920358e9e129857d6ea40f65ec8a576c
2024-01-29 19:05.51: cmdliner.1.0.4-ce47b14da4853a86e05f83d7674348ea -> 04d2e0088a5ccc21b6a166258147187b1fa78b0d4e0f373cb048e9d316b02b1e
2024-01-29 19:05.51: bos.0.2.1-3d2f529d33ea5351e1a1aaa9e1c654b5 -> d0e3fd1b478ad6604c15d67ef08765d36b3791906bedd90c51380faa5a310884
2024-01-29 19:05.51: astring.0.8.5-9fe56424f760b2c70d5b0740bbb92191 -> 471c0ececdf8d3d1bee220a607f7cd89c0af1f0c5dc419c19b36014b0fb28969
2024-01-29 19:05.51: Job succeeded